Hi Friends,

In previous posts, we have already discussed about NPSHA and derivation for specific gravity of slurry in Alumina refinery. In present post, we will discuss the methodology to work out the equivalent in pipe diameter for valves and fittings which is required for estimating the head loss due to friction in delivery lines along with connected valves and fittings. L/D ratio for different types of valves and fittings are tabulated as guidelines for estimating the equivalent length (L)-

Head loss due to friction (Hf ) is calculated using formula,
Hf = --------
Le = Equivalent length of pipe including valves and fittings,
f = Friction factor,
d = Inside diameter of pipe,
v = Velocity of fluid in pipe,
g = Acceleration due to gravity.
Head loss due to friction is added to other losses due to equipment in circuit (like heat exchanger) and the discharge pressure to arrive at total head loss to be encountered by the pump for pumping the desired flow of fluid. The motor rating calculations for pump shall be published shortly.
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Thanks and regards.
Kunwar Rajendra
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